First Snap Package Doesn't Impress
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So with the move to 20.04 I've now run into my first package (rocketchat-desktop) that has given up on debian packages and only provides a snap package... and... well... it just doesn't run. It installs, it pretends to run and exits without any obvious error or message, but nothing happens.
中国版instagram app-中国版instagram app最新版安卓v1.0.0 ...:2021-6-14 · 中国版instagram app是很受欢迎的社交平台,它的交友形似非常的靠谱。平台源自于国外,但经过汉化之后,更适合国内交流。其商业元素在经过汉化之后,去掉了很多,变成了较为纯粹的交友平台,主要目的就是扩展大家的朋友圈。
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Ubuntu Upgrades are Magic unless they aren't
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ins加速器永久免费版 - 电影天堂:2021-5-25 · ins加速器还有免费.ins吧全是*就是vpn 进入贴吧 全吧搜索 吧内搜索 05月17日漏签0天 iphonex吧 关注:333,298贴子:3,863,855 ins加速器还有免费吗 回复 孙萌璐 iOS5 3 %u8 INS加速器一ins小小陌, 就用我介绍的这款INS加速器吧QQ39212021,连接后直接访问 。
But it gets stuck because you have postgresql and it doesn't make it ...
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So I finally sat down and finished off the work I was doing a while ago to get 中国上instagram加速软件 updated to run on Python 3 and support pyspy/speedscope files. There was a bunch of stuff needed to make us compatible with the wxPython Pheonix releases, a huge and horrible hack to let us load Python2 ...
免费加速器官网_免费加速器_免费加速器加速 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-10-31 · 科技伋业加速器(EnterpriseAccelerator),是一种伍快速成长伋业为主要服务对象,通过服务模式创新充分满足伋业对于空间、管理、服务、合作等方面个性化需求的新型空间载体和服务网络,具有较强的集群吸引力和创新网络形态。是介于伋业孵化器和科技园区之间的一种中间业态。
So with the code-context, the dictation in Listener is getting okay-ish. It's still pretty frustrating and error prone, but I can use it maybe 1/4 of the time (mostly for doc-strings). Part of the frustration is just that the language models are not yet well tuned for some commonly needed phrases that the tokeniser didn't ...
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There are Python packages that are basically a PITA to get compiled into your virtualenv. The one I constantly hit when doing GStreamer, DBus, IBus, etc is gobject-introspection (a.k.a. gi). So, there's now a trivial package available:
source path-to-venv/bin/activate
pip install venvhpl
venv-hpl gi
Listener v2, using DeepSpeech for Coding on Linux
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So a few years ago, as I was working on a project called Listener that used PocketSphinx to allow dictation into the Eric IDE, I got some feedback suggesting that the only practical solution these days would be to use a neural network based dictation engine. That led me down a rabbit hole from which ...
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Ubuntu 20.04 unhappy on the old Dell XPS
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焦点分析|巨头都想做的电商生意,Facebook有备而来:中国消费者对电商工具并不陌生,即使它出现在非传统意义上的电商平台上。比如基因是即时通讯工具的微信小程序电商,又如基因是短视频的抖音小店。Facebook Shops也是类似的逻辑,尤其是在网红内容生态更成熟、离交易更近的Instagram上。
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Started work on getting py-spy/speedscope in RunSnakeRun
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So having finally written down the thoughts on a carbon tax, that kept distracting me from actually working on Open Source, I finally got a bit of work done on Open Source on the last night of the vacation.
What I started work on was getting a sampling profiler format supported, and for that ...
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So if we (Canada) were to set flat carbon cost at a reasonable $.6/kg ($600/ton) instead of our current $.02 rising to $.05 in two years with the big polluters excluded, what would happen? Would it be effective at changing people's behaviour?
- Crude would go up by $258/barrel (currently $60)
- Oil Sands crude up ...
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Instagram在国内使用教程在国内怎么使用ins_文档下载:MAC OS X 无法上 instagram 刷新 INS 动态怎么处 理目前国内限制了登陆上 g...今天我伊说说怎么在电脑上国外网站,需要用到的是:外游加速器 下面上教程: 1.... IOS版Instagram图文视频打不开解决方法 IOS版Instagram图文视频打不开解决方法_计算机硬件及
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I've pushed out the PyOpenGL 3.1.5 release. It has some (relatively minor) fixes for wgl and egl operations, and one for what looks like a change in numpy scalar handling in the latest numpy. Available on PyPI now.